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Jarl Ingvarsson

Upcoming exhibition

Born in Asmara, Eritrea 1955, Jarl Ingvarsson lives and works in Sparsör, Sweden. Constantly courageous, he does not fear seeking new ventures in his artistry. Yet, there is always something immediately recognizable in his works.

In his paintings, one can sense the dissonant chords of improvisational jazz or the mind-expanding detonations of the Mahavishnu Orchestra. However, there is also a low-key lyrical sensitivity, where Ingvarsson moves from inner territories to surrounding spaces, from figurative expressionism to abstraction. His subjects range from a personal sphere of everyday life, depicting simple objects such as a stool, a flower arrangement, or maybe even a character from a comic album. More solemn subject matters are derived from biblical content – all rendered in a fierce yet pensive style.

After studying at the Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, from 1978–1983, his works have been exhibited extensively in museums and galleries, and are part of numerous collections such as the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Borås Art Museum, Gothenburg Museum of Art, Malmö Art Museum, Norrköping Art Museum, and part of important private collections. Ingvarsson has been a member of the Royal Academy of Art since 1996.

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