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Tube Gallery

Heroes, Poets and Coffee

12.12.24 - 28.02.25

The artist is in their work like God in the universe, invisible and yet present: you can sense them everywhere, but you see them nowhere.
—Gustave Flaubert

Now you’re here, reading these lines. Perhaps by chance? Or maybe as part of an inscrutable cosmic plan? Either way, you now find yourself between words and Jarl Ingvarsson’s stories in color. Spotted. Flickering. Vibrant. Some seemingly unfinished, others overworked.

Language is reluctant here. The words evade definition. It feels nearly impossible to capture with language the feverish movements that take place on and within Ingvarsson’s canvases. The shapes seem to change direction as if they were never allowed to settle. The palette is so intense it feels like an organism in its own right. Color within color. Layer upon layer. Line chasing line. Object within object… Familiar things appear and disappear in a whirl of color, like in graffiti or spontaneous doodles. Humor and seriousness tangle together into a Gordian knot.

Perspectives are dissolved, and words emerge or hide in the visual language.

Sign up for the preview or request more info at info@tubecontemporary.com

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Pigs And Heroes

Jarl Ingvarsson


Oil and acrylic on canvas

150 x 100 cm

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Pen Fence

Jarl Ingvarsson


Oil and acrylic on canvas

150 x 120 cm