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Tube Gallery

Richard Dean Hughes

British b. 1987

British artist Richard Dean Hughes describes the slippery relationship between the real and hypothetical. Hughes often revisits and describes a personal and internal space, taking artifacts, feelings and ‘visuals’ from imagined scenarios, bringing them into real time through the manipulation of material and collisional objects. His sculptures question the idea of plausibility, they question their own existence, acting as a representational display of the space in which Hughes is trying to describe. Often drawing from history Hughes generates a real sense of place and time within the work; evoking a frustration within the viewer by emphasising a disconnect with the primary content of the work. The inclusion of the majestic and the past tense exaggerates a change in modern society and our fragile relationship with nature, tradition and history. ‘For me I am interested in the sensation, be it positive or negative, we feel when we acknowledge that history seems so much more profound than the present, it is in some way this sensation, or this illusion, that I try to embed within the work.’

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Gallery Exhibition

Ubiquitous nº14

26.09.23 - 10.12.23

Contact us about available Richard Dean Hughes' works