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Minyo playlist #6

19 x 10,5 x 0,9 cm
Engraved Staples
“Minyo #6 & #62 is part of an ongoing series coming from my Grandfather’s handwritten lyrics of a karaoke playlist of 94 minyo songs (Japanese folk songs). Each work representing one song, the old vinyl inspired imagery scores the golden staples surface. A process mimicking Japanese woodblock prints— a series still unfolding and playing out slowly in the background.”

Anna Gonzalez Noguchi (b. 1992) is UK born, Spanish and Japanese artist working in Athens, Greece. Her practise is informed by her cross-cultural heritage — removing, relocating and reconstructing objects in different geographic territories. She renegotiates memory and investigates our capacity to anchor experience in tangible forms. Hand-crafted objects, industrially finished surfaces, prosaic artefacts and images are layered, and through this a shift in meaning and purpose is acquired. Seeking to challenge and refine the combination of industrial, hand-made and pre-existing objects towards articulating different states of remembering.